Dr. Witt Named to 50 Most Influential Clinical Executives of 2021


Dr. Fran Witt, Effingham Health System’s President and CEO, has been named to one of the healthcare industry’s most prestigious lists: Modern Healthcare magazine’s 50 Most Influential Clinical Executives, 2021. As a member of this group, Dr. Witt is recognized along with major healthcare leaders from across the United States, including Dr. Anthony Fauci.

From Modern Healthcare Magazine:

Witt launched several innovative programs at the rural health system. That includes a three-year digital transformation initiative, opening a cardiology center that allows patients to stay in the community, and expanding pediatric care, including a school-based telemedicine program that allows students and teachers to be seen and treated remotely. The Georgia Hospital Association honored Effingham for a patient-safety program that decreased the length of time it takes for patient who present in the ED to see a clinician. The system has also been honored by Joint Commission as a high-performing organization for a program that reduced readmissions in nursing homes. Witt serves on American Hospital Association’s rural health services council and the Georgia Rural Health Association board.