Local families will benefit from the generosity of Bank of Newington, which is donating $200,000 to Effingham Health System through Georgia HEART in 2025. The Georgia HEART program facilitates donations made through the 100% Georgia Rural Hospital Tax Credit. Bank of Newington recently presented the check in a ceremony at the hospital.
Presenting the check from Newington Bank were Tripp Sheppard, President; Harry Sheppard, Chairman of the Board; Rachel Thompson, CFO; and August Shearouse, Effingham Market President.
“Thriving local hospitals are the backbone of strong, growing communities. Georgia has created a unique opportunity through the HEART program that is mutually beneficial for rural hospitals and the businesses in those areas. The Bank of Newington is proud to partner with Effingham Health System to financially support healthcare access in our local community,” shared Tripp Sheppard.
This generous gift points to the synergies between the two organizations. While Bank of Newington now serves Effingham residents through its Springfield branch, Effingham Health System is the healthcare provider of choice for many patients from Sylvania County.
“Donations through the Georgia HEART program, like this significant $200,000 gift from Bank of Newington, help us to grow those services that are most important to our community,” explains Dr. Fran Witt, President and CEO for Effingham Health System. “They help ensure we can meet our commitment to deliver access to specialized healthcare and state of the art technology— closer to home.”
Witt went on to thank local legislators for their role in creating a tax credit that encourages local businesses to keep their tax investment in the local community.
The Georgia Rural Hospital Tax Credit encourages individuals and businesses to support rural hospitals with a 100% State Income Tax Credit. Many corporate donors receive a federal deduction as well. Georgia HEART facilitates those donations for Effingham Health System and other rural hospitals across the state.
If you would like more information about how you can donate to Effingham Hospital in exchange for a 100% tax credit, contact LaMeisha Hunter Kelly (912-754-0174), Jessica Griffin at Effingham Health System Foundation (912-754-7565), or visit GeorgiaHEART.org.