Online Bill Pay
Effingham Hospital Online Payment
For Persona Pay Billing only. (Persona Pay is one of our EHS billing partners)
For Hospital Billing Statements or billing inquiries, call Toll-Free at 833-491-2977, Mon. – Fri., 8 am-5 pm.
We do accept Medicare, Georgia Medicaid, and most insurance carriers. For more information call 912-754-0496 or 912-754-0140.
Medical Credit Card & Loan Options
Click here to learn more about options that may be available to help you pay for treatment over time.
Helping Hands Financial Assistance
Effingham Health System is committed to providing our community with quality, affordable healthcare. Eligible charges of $100.00 or more can be considered for financial assistance if a patient is unable to afford emergency or medically necessary services. Learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why am I being asked to pay the physician or hospital when I show up for services?
If your insurance plan includes co-pays as part of the benefits package, we are expected to collect that at the time of service. Some plans have large co-pays for imaging or emergency services, so you should familiarize yourself with any co-pays associated with your insurance coverage. The co-pay amounts are usually listed on the insurance card, but not always. Your employer may have a plan document that lists applicable co-pays, deductible and co-insurance information.
- I’m not able to pay the balance shown on the EHS statement. What now?
EHS offers a variety of solutions, including a discount for balances paid in full, payment terms over 12 months, large balance mitigation and financial assistance. Please call the Business Office to discuss eligibility and the appropriate application process. 912-754-0496
- Why does my doctor or facility have to get permission from my insurance company before my services can be performed?
Most payers require this as part of their managed care process. It is meant to guard against services or procedures that aren’t medically necessary, or are not in alignment with their understanding of appropriate treatment for your medical condition. It is important to note that the notification process known as Prior Authorization does not automatically mean the claim will be paid. The insurance company can still question medical necessity after the services are performed. If this happens, we encourage the patient and the physician to assume a proactive role in the resolution process.
- My claim was denied by the insurance company. Now what?
We will appeal that decision and make every effort to provide additional information deemed relevant for reconsideration. If we are asked to provide information we don’t have, we will ask for your assistance in obtaining the needed documentation. (In some cases, we may even recommend referral to the Georgia Insurance Commissioner.) Appeals are often successful, but if not, we will work with you toward successful resolution.
- I have received a bill I don’t understand. How can I get more information?
We encourage you to call the number listed on the statement: 912 754-0496 Our representatives can usually answer your questions, and if they can’t, they will relay your name and number to someone who can. We want you to understand why you have a balance, so we encourage you to ask questions. The worst thing you can do is ignore the billing statements. We are willing to work with you if there is an inability to pay the balance. (see Financial Assistance)
- Why did I receive bills from other providers in addition to EHS?
Our provider partners bill separately for services rendered in our facility. For example, if you visit our Emergency Department, you will be billed by the facility and the Emergency Specialty Physician who treated you. Likewise, if you received imaging services, you will be billed by the facility as well as the Radiologist.
- What are my expectations, about billing, when I use the Emergency Room?
Our provider partners bill separately for services rendered in our facility. For example, if you visit our Emergency Department, you will be billed by the facility and the Emergency Specialty Physician who treated you. Likewise, if you received imaging services, you will be billed by the facility as well as the Radiologist.
- My insurance company decided that my visit to the ER wasn’t really an emergency, and refused to pay. Is there anything I can do?
We typically appeal such decisions with medical records in an effort to have the denial overturned, but we aren’t always successful. If this happens, you will be responsible for the charges, and you should reach out to your payer to see what’s required for a member appeal. It’s important for your payer to know that you do not agree with their decision, and to offer your personal comments as to why you felt it appropriate to seek emergency services. If the denial is upheld, we can offer solutions ranging from discounts or payments terms, to financial assistance.